
The Zoopla valuation tool is an online widget that provides free house price estimates to those seeking an instant valuation, while generating valuation leads for your business. It champions your agency’s brand, and is quick and easy to integrate into your website.

Information on all of the leads sent through the Zoopla valuation tool will be available in ZooplaPro, as well as having been emailed to you. 

  1. Log in to ZooplaPro
  2. Click the Manage performance tab
  3. Click Leads report
  4. Click the Valuation emails sub tab
  5. The lead source of "Zoopla valuation tool" appears in the Message column

If you are an Alto, Jupix, ExpertAgent, Vebra Live/Encore, or CFP Winman customer AND Zoopla portal customer, then you will see these leads routed into your CRM automatically. 
If you already have Zoopla leads being ingested into your non-Zoopla CRM, it depends on how your lead routing is currently set up as to whether you'll see the leads from the Zoopla valuation tool.
If you encounter any issues, contact your Account Manager to investigate further.

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