
A lot of our agents continue to conduct their viewings using video. This is a great option if you have properties which are currently vacant. Virtual viewings means that the applicant can see a potential new property from the comfort of their own home.

Below, we’ve put together some handy hints for virtual viewings:

Prepare the property before the video call

Make sure you get to the property early to turn the lights on and check that any doors you'll need to open for the viewing are unlocked.  

Use your space 

Talking to a screen with a person on the other side is just like talking to a person face to face.

If you’re using a mobile phone, remember to hold it up to arm’s length from your face, and the mobile phone up to eye line.

When you go to turn the camera around, lower the screen so it’s in line with your chest, giving you control and the viewer a better angle.

Take your time and narrate the experience 

Seeing a property virtually can be challenging to navigate for the viewer and sometimes technology can lag. Move slowly from room to room and tell the viewer where you’re walking to and from, to help them get their bearings.

Highlight the details 

It’s difficult for viewers to see detail when looking at a property through a video call. And these details could make or break the viewing. Focus on features that catch your eye and take the time to explain what you’re seeing, such as flooring or kitchen fittings.

Naturally, when in person you would have always spoken to the "invisible" things you feel such as the direction the garden faces, and how quiet the garden is - it’s important to bring these to life on video as well.

It’s important to bring to life things that might seem obvious in person - such as how double glazing blocks out nearby road noise, or the smell of the seaside nearby.

Manage sound quality 

We recommend using headphones for viewings through video calls. It helps reduce outside distractions, and will help to minimize background noise like your footsteps on wooden floors, or doors as you open and close them. Most earphones have speakers included, so make sure you plug them in before you start.

Record viewings early if you can

Recording visits to vacant properties when you first have them instructed can help you easily display homes over the coming weeks when enquiries come through, as well as demonstrate to vendors and landlords how prepared you are to manage through in the current climate.

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