
When manually uploading a listing, you can link a video or virtual tour of the property to the listing.

To add a video or virtual tour:

  1. Log in to ZooplaPro
  2. Click the Manage listings tab
  3. Click the relevant sales/letting listings department
  4. Click Add listing to add a new listing, or locate and click an existing listing to edit it
  5. Scroll down to the Video / Virtual tours section. Paste the URL to your video or virtual tour in the Video/Virtual tour URLs field
  6. Complete the remaining sections and fields if you haven't already, as set out in How to upload a listing. Then, click Save. Your changes will be live on Zoopla within the hour

Add listing video virtual tour.png


  • For a video to display, you'll need to upload and link to it from one of the following video players: Vimeo, YouTube, Audio Agent, Vistabee, Vieweet, or Property Tours
  • For best practice, refer to the Video Guidelines

Related articles:

Best practice for virtual tours

What video file types are supported on Zoopla?

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