
We continuously work to maintain a safe online experience for our customers, partners and property seekers.

This article is designed to help increase your awareness on how you can keep your personal details safe and identify some common red flags which can highlight fraudulent behaviour.


Zoopla emails will only ever come from, and

Requests from Zoopla

Zoopla will never contact you by phone or email asking you to:

  • Provide your ZooplaPro login details
  • Enter your login details onto any other page, other than

If you do receive an unsolicited email asking you to enter your ZooplaPro login details, please:

  • Check the From address. Ignore any that do not come from
  • Check the URLs of any links and websites - ignore any that are not
    • An 'https' at the start of the URL in your browser and a padlock indicates that your connection is secure and the information you send is kept private. If the browser states 'Not secure' and/or has an unlocked key icon appearing next to the URL, your connection is not private and any personal details you enter or send can be intercepted
  • If you received an email that contains anything that you don't recognise, or are in any doubt, do not click on a link contained in the email. Instead, forward the email to and independently log in to the real ZooplaPro by navigating directly to the site before following any instructions contained in the email
  • You can report suspicious emails in the UK to Action Fraud

Reporting suspicious communications

If you have received an email which is cause for concern:

  • Do not click on any links contained in the email
  • Do not reply to the email
  • Do not download any attachments contained in the email

Please forward the email to and we will investigate for you.

Related articles: 

How to manage your passwords effectively

Understanding premium rate phone number scams

Recognising phishing emails

What do I do if I think I have been affected by a scam?

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