
Commission share finder, within the Monitor market tab, is a report that allows you to track your previously marketed and withdrawn properties and see if they’ve gone on to sell, which can help you identify potential lost fees and commission.

Commission share finder returns a list of recently withdrawn properties in a table which have a change in title deed noted against them, in land registry records. If a match is found, it will be logged in Commission share finder where you can confirm if you’re owed any fees and/or commission.


This report is permitted for your internal use only

 Refining your Commission share finder results

  1. Log in to ZooplaPro
  2. Click the Monitor market tab
  3. Click Commission share finder

In the Commission share finder report, rather than viewing a table that contains all the properties you have previously marketed, you can filter your results.

  1. Click the Sold by dropdown menu to select whether the properties are sold by Agents, by Private sale or by All
  2. Click the Matched in Land Registry records dropdown menu to select whether the properties are Matched or Not matched (or All) with a Land registry sale entry
  3. Click the Show dropdown menu if you want to show All properties, those that are Not hidden or those that are Hidden (by clicking the Hide tick box)
  4. Click the Difference in dates dropdown menu to select the date difference between the property’s withdrawal and the date of sale. This could be All dates or 6/7/8 months to date
  5. Click Apply to filter your results
  6. Your results table will refresh
  7. If you see a property listing that has sold legitimately, and which you know wouldn’t entitle you to a fee, click the Hide tick box next to each individual property

If you see a property listing for which you may be due a fee or commission, click the magnifying glass in the Info column. This will display the Details for the property, including the number of bedrooms and price. You can also see the History of the listing, including the date of any price changes.

If the property listing is confirmed, the Land Registry sales information will be listed, including the date, pricing and address.

If any other agent listed the property on Zoopla, this may also be displayed alongside its price and status.

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