What's the difference between a manual and feed uploader?

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Property listings can be added to ZooplaPro via two different methods; Manually, or via a Feed.

This article includes:

Feed Uploader

Feed is the most common method of uploading property listings and is carried out by property software such as Alto, Jupix or Expert Agent.

If you're using a feed, enter the property information directly into the feed uploader.

The property information is then automatically uploaded to ZooplaPro where it can then be viewed from the relevant property categories, within the Manage listings tab.

If you need to make any amendments to your listings, this is done via the property software.


  • If you use a real-time uploader such as Alto, Jupix or Expert Agent, the time for listings to appear on site is within 1 hour 
  • Standard BLM feeds may take up to 24 hours

 Manual Uploader

If you use the manual upload process, properties are uploaded directly into ZooplaPro. Changes are uploaded to the site within the hour.
For more information on How to upload a property listing, click here

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