
Featured Agent is an ideal way of boosting your brand by highlighting your branch to those searching for an agent to market their property. You’ll benefit from enhanced positioning by being placed and highlighted at the top of the relevant Find agents directory in a standout box, increasing the likelihood of leads. Your enhanced listing also helps to provide a focus on your brand and aids you in standing out amongst competitors in your area.

How can Featured Agent help me?

Featured Agent brings with it a host of benefits for your branch, including:

  • Featured agents are listed in alphabetical order, with the non-featured agents listed below, also in alphabetical order. This is an ideal way of boosting your brand by highlighting your branch to those searching for an agent to market their property
  • An increased focus on your agency can help you stand out from the crowd and win more business and instructions from people searching for an agent to market their property
  • Your branch will be pre-selected in the Contact relevant agents section at the bottom of listing search results pages, if, you have two or more relevant properties
  • Your branch will be highlighted at the top of the relevant Find agents page on the Zoopla and PrimeLocation sites

A Featured Agent as seen on the Find agents page on the Zoopla website


  • If more than 1 agent is featured in the search results, agents are shown alphabetically
  • For more information on Featured Agent on Zoopla Advantage, click here
  • If you wish to add additional outcodes or have any other enquiries, contact your Account Manager or Member Services. You can either email, or, click Submit a request below and complete the contact form

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Best practice using Featured Agent

How can I add or update my outcodes?

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