
The Monitor market section of ZooplaPro is where you can find useful reports and they're all powered by MarketView. MarketView is our market intelligence tool which provides insights into your local market, enabling you to monitor your own performance analysis, that of your competitors, and take advantage of opportunities to win new instructions.

MarketView is based on a set of postcodes that you have selected relevant to your branch locations. The postcodes do not have any impact on the live website or anything in ZooplaPro - it's purely for research and reporting.

You can create reports from within All market activity to monitor how you and your competitors are performing, and track withdrawn instructions that have gone on to sell and potentially identify lost fees with Commission share finder.

You can set up Market email alerts to be sent straight to your inbox for fallen through sales, withdrawn properties or slow movers to help you act fast and win new instructions. 

Your reports and Market email alerts are all based on your market views, as defined in Manage market views. Each market view can consist of up to 10 of your outcodes and they act as a predefined set of property and area criteria, in which you specify different areas and property details that you wish to focus on. The specified areas are formed based on any combination of the outcodes and incodes that are associated with your ZooplaPro account.

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