
This article covers best practice guidance on downloading and using your marketing materials.
We want to ensure you're using all the tools your ZooplaPro membership offers you, so that you can maximise the ROI from your investment.

Some key outcomes of following this advice:

  • A greater opportunity to build additional credibility with your valuations and your brand
  • An awareness of how to potentially stand out from your competition in your area

This article includes: 

How can I use marketing materials?

Within your ZooplaPro account, you are able to download marketing materials which can form your market appraisal pack. The beauty of using these materials is that they can be emailed or printed off for your vendors or landlords.

We understand that the day to day operation of estate agency is very busy so we have made it easy for you to use the marketing materials to save you time. Simply download any of the Vendor and landlord marketing materials as a .pdf or .pdf with your logo and you are good to go. 

Let's say for example, you are valuing a vendors home and you really want the instruction because you believe you're able to sell their property for a good price. You can quickly and easily download any of the marketing materials from your ZooplaPro account with your branding for the vendor to read through.

This is yet another additional way for you to build credibility for your business along with trust, given these marketing materials are professionally developed and constantly updated from the team at Zoopla.


You might also decide to offer Premium Listings or Featured Properties as a benefit for using your agency, and these portal enhancements can provide the listing with an increased presence in search results and increase the number of search clicks.

Why does this benefit my business?

As an ex-professional estate agent myself with many years of experience within the independent and corporate world, I know it's a competitive marketplace and so doing all you can to stand out gives you a better chance of winning more instructions.

Downloading these marketing materials might be one way you could stand out from your competitors and/or it could be a good way for you to increase your fees by offering additional features.
It also increases your brand awareness if you're proactive and send these marketing materials to all of your vendors and landlords. They'll appreciate that you've spent time to understand their needs and how it can potentially make a difference in the marketing of their property.

When you download any of the marketing materials, you're offered the option to add your branding to them. They will also have Zoopla branding along with PrimeLocation which shows the exposure you can offer with your marketing. Again, this could be another good reason why a landlord or vendor might choose your agency over one of your competitors.

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