Why is my property displaying the wrong address? (UK properties)


The display of an incorrect address could depend on whether you are a feed or manual uploader.

This article includes:


Only official Royal Mail addresses can be used against property listings 

Troubleshooting listings uploaded by a Feed

Official Royal Mail addressing is used to power the Zoopla property listing addresses, based on the property postcode received in the feed.

If the feed includes a display address field, this can overrule the Royal Mail addressing and be used for the listing instead.

  1. Check the property postcode entered in your CRM software
  2. If your CRM also offers the option for you to add a display address, check this as well
  3. If the addressing information is incorrect, update it in your CRM and the change will be fed through to your Zoopla listings

If the property address is correct in your CRM, please contact Member Services. You can either email members@zoopla.co.uk, or, click Submit a request below and complete the contact form, letting us know: 

  • Which property is displaying an incorrect address
  • The correct property address including the postcode
  • A link to the listing displaying on the Zoopla site (if possible)


If Royal Mail doesn't recognise an address as an official address for the property (such as in the case of a new build), we recommend you utilise the Display Address field when possible. Include three pieces of addressing information, separated by two commas in the property display address field in your CRM (i.e. Copper Row, London, SE1). This will be fed to Zoopla and update the display address on site

Troubleshooting listings uploaded Manually

Official Royal Mail addressing is used to power the Zoopla property listing addresses, based on the property postcode entered in ZooplaPro.

If a property listing is displaying an incorrect address:

  1. Log in to ZooplaPro
  2. Click the Manage listings tab
  3. Click the relevant property category, for example, Residential sales listings or Residential letting listings
  4. Locate the erroneous property and check the postcode it displays
  5. If the postcode is incorrect, click on the property to edit it
  6. Scroll down to the Address section and amend the Full postcode
  7. Once updated, click Save

Once updated, the listing display address will update on site within one hour.

If the property address is already correct in ZooplaPro, please contact Member Services. You can either email members@zoopla.co.uk, or, click Submit a request below and complete the contact form, letting us know: 

  • Which property is displaying an incorrect address
  • The correct property address including the postcode
  • A link to the listing displaying on the Zoopla site (if possible)

 Did you know...

You can add a what3words address to your listings Description so that you're providing potential buyers and tenants the most accurate location. This helps ensure they arrive at viewings at the right place, at the right time

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