
There are several different reasons why a property listing can be rejected. To identify the reason: 

  1. Log in to ZooplaPro
  2. Click the Manage listings tab
  3. Click the relevant property category, for example, Residential sales listings or Residential letting listings
  4. Under the Status column, hover over the Rejected status wording that's against the property. A message will display detailing the reason for rejection

Common reasons for a listing being rejected is that the listing was marked as:

  • Sold for more than 180 days
  • SSTC for more than 180 days
  • Under offer for more than 180 days (Sales)
  • Let/Let agreed for more than 60 days (Lettings)

It can be frustrating for property seekers to search through property results that consist of sold or unavailable properties, as such these rules are in place to ensure the best possible search experience for your potential applicants and vendors. 

If you require further assistance with rejected listings on ZooplaPro, to help you investigate this, contact Member Services. You can either email, or, click Submit a request below and complete the contact form. Please provide the following information:

  1. The full property address (including the full postcode) of the affected listing
  2. The type of property (residential/commercial/overseas and sales or lettings)
  3. Which branch is advertising the property (branch name and full postcode)
  4. The rejection reason for the property
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