Why are there strange characters in my listing description?


Odd characters or symbols can appear for different reasons, depending on your upload method.

Troubleshoot characters using:

Feed Uploader

Characters are fed directly from your Software provider to Zoopla.

  1. Log in to your property software platform
  2. Check the text entered into your property software
  3. Ensure there are no odd characters displaying

If you are unable to see any issues, our Member Services can help. You can either email members@zoopla.co.uk, or, click Submit a request below and complete the contact form. Provide as much detail as possible, such as:

  • Where you're seeing the issue
  • Listing URLs where the issue is apparent

Your feed provider may need to be contacted so you can contact them directly if you wish.

Manual Uploader

This is most likely caused by the text having been written elsewhere, and then copied and pasted into your Full description field.

If you’ve already written your description elsewhere, and wish to copy and paste it into ZooplaPro, you should do so via a text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or TextWrangler (Mac). This will ensure that you are pasting in plain text, without any hidden formatting.

If you were to paste directly from a Word document, email, or similar, the description can display with some erroneous formatting.


While adding your Full description in ZooplaPro, you will not see any hidden formatting as this will only become visible once the property is displayed on the site

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