
Area Sponsorship is a cost effective way of promoting your brand and branch to a much wider audience, in locations where you would like to grow your brand. Area Sponsorship identifies applicants looking for a property in certain outcodes, allowing you to advertise to them in a targeted manner.

Area Sponsorship allows you to advertise more strategically, bringing attention to any special offers or services. It’s also a great opportunity to generate brand awareness, and drive traffic to your own website.

This article includes: 

Benefits of Area Sponsorship

Area Sponsorship brings with it a host of benefits for your brand and branch.

Using Area Sponsorship, you can:

  • Dominate the search results page, and be seen by a highly engaged and targeted audience, in a cost effective way
  • Control your message, using it as an opportunity to direct traffic to your website
  • Stand out from your competitors as the only agent showcased in your area
  • Flexibly choose which of your services to promote

 Did you know...

You can combine the power of Area Sponsorship, Property Sponsorship and In-Search Ads to increase your brand awareness in your local area
For more information on Boosting your brand with Property Sponsorship, click here
For more information on Boosting your brand with In-Search Ads, click here

How Area Sponsorship works

Area Sponsorship allows you to create an advert which showcases your brand ahead of the competition, and captures the attention of potential applicants in your chosen locations. By sponsoring an outcode, or multiple outcodes, on Zoopla, you can position your advert on specific sections of the website, for example, on the For sale, To rent, or House prices pages, in order to target the most relevant audience for your business.


If a consumer searches on Zoopla using a place name which covers more than one outcode, the Area Sponsorship advert displayed to them will be a single advert belonging to one of the agents who has Area Sponsorship for one of the outcodes in that place name. The adverts will also be rotated

Your advert is yours to show off - it can contain your company branding, images and messaging of your choice. It can then link out to any landing page you choose, for example, your website homepage, your valuation enquiry page, or any other location you choose.

When a potential applicant searches the area that relates to the outcode you’ve sponsored, your advert will appear prominently on all the search results pages.


 Best practice

You can refresh your design as much as you want - regularly update your advert and review how it displays to ensure that you are always promoting your current and most relevant marketing messages. Linking your advert to pages that specifically relate to your messages will help you to gain maximum impact

Purchasing Area Sponsorship

To find out if Area Sponsorship is available in your area and/or to purchase it, please contact your Account Manager directly via email or phone.

We will ask you to supply us with creatives for your advert - please see our ad specifications here.

For more information on Area Sponsorship on Zoopla Advantage, click here.

Related articles:

How can I add or update my outcodes?

Target specific areas with Valuation Booster

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